Kegelrollenlager eignen sich gut, wenn: hohe radiale Belastungen auftreten. einseitig hohe axiale Belastungen wirken. kombinierte Belastungen aufgenommen werden müssen (gleichzeitig wirkende radiale und axiale Kräfte) die Welle axial genau geführt werden soll (Festlagerfunktion) die Lagerung axial sehr steif sein muss.

Дөрвөн эгнээ шовгор булны холхивчийн дотоод цагираг ба өнхрөх хүзүүний хоорондох тохируулга нь ерөнхийдөө цоорхойтой байна. Суулгахдаа эхлээд холхивчийг хайрцагт хийж, дараа нь холхивчийн хайрцгийг дэвтэрт хийнэ. Хоёр ба дөрвөн эгнээний шовгор булны холхивчийн гаднах цагираг нь холхивчийн хайрцагны нүхтэй динамик тохируулга хийдэг.

Taper Roller Bearing 32000X Series Tapered Cone 32004X 32005X 32006X. Taper Roller Bearing 32000X Series Tapered Cone 32004X 32005X 32006X. Item information. Condition: Brand New Brand New. Size: Bulk savings: Buy 1. AU $10.60 each. Buy 2. AU $10.39 each. Buy 3. AU $10.28 each. Quantity: 4 or more for AU $10.07 each ...

With 32004X/Q SKF's high performance, 32004X/Q SKF is welcomed throughout the world. Recent years, the sales amount of 32004X/Q SKF is keeping on increasing. If you are interested in 32004X/Q SKF, please feel free to contact us: sales@ericbearing. The best price of 32004X/Q SKF and high quality service will be offered.

32004X BRG . OVERVIEW . SPECIFICATIONS . CAD / 3D DRAWINGS . ORDER HISTORY . LITERATURE & CATALOGS . VIDEOS . REVIEWS . How can we improve this page? Substitute Products. Slide 1 of 1 . 32004X. NTN. Tapered Roller Bearing Set - 0.7874 in Bore, 1.6535 in OD, 15 mm Cone Width, 12 mm Cup Width, Class 0 Precision Rating . MI ITEM 00139222 .

Eric bearing limited company mainly supply high precision, high speed, low friction bearing 32004X SKF.In the past 12 years, 32004X SKF is widely used in construction machinery industries, electric power industries and steel industires. With 32004X SKF's high performance, 32004X SKF is welcomed throughout the world.