The Boikarabelo coal mine is a proposed coal mine, owned by Resgen South Africa, a subsidiary of Resource Generation (Australia), to produce 6 million tonnes per annum, for the Boikarabelo power station, in Resgen, Limpopo, South Africa. After more than a decade in development, the project is delayed logistically and financially.

Mining at the Boikarabelo mine was scheduled for late 2013. However, as of January 2014 the company was still working to secure financing for the mine portion of the project. [2] [3] In February 2015 ResGen said that its Boikarabelo mine had been delayed by three to six months as the company's main earthworks contractor, Protech Kuthele, went into …

нүүрсний уурхайн барилга байгууламжийг зху -ын (хуучин нэрээр) техник эдийн засгийн тусламжтайгаар барьж байгуулан 1965 оны 4-р сарын 6-нд жилдээ 1.1 сая тонн нүүрс олборлож, 5.0 сая шоо метр хөрс хуулах хүчин чадалтайгаар анх ашиглалтанд оруулсан байна. 1981 оноос хүчин чадлыг өргөтгөн жилдээ 10000 мян.шоо метр хөрс хуулан, 2000 …