As a certified minority-owned business, of your spends with SBM can be credited towards your supplier diversity goals. We are committed to cultivating an environment that honors diverse backgrounds and promoting vendors who do the same. SBM anticipates our needs and objectives through rigorous process-oriented customer engagement practices.

If you receive such an email and you have any doubts at all about its origin or authenticity please contact us at SBM GLOBAL LOGISTICS-SMC LIMITED emails: info@sbmgltd / sbmglogistics@gmail or phone us on +256393217228|+256751255797 ( WhatsApp ) as soon as possible to confirm whether the call, email or SMS is legitimate. Do not call ...

Open Gmail application and click the gear icon in your inbox. Choose " Settings ". Choose the " Forwarding and POP/IMAP " tab. Click " Add a forwarding address ". Enter your HelpDesk address (to be found in HelpDesk Settings -> Inboxes ), click " Next " and " Proceed ". * Check your HelpDesk dashboard—you will then receive ...

Career Opportunities. The SBM Group is some 1,500 employees strong, servicing its head office and subsidiaries in Mauritius and Madagascar, as well as its operations in India and Kenya. We are constantly reviewing our structures and manpower requirements as our business expands, thereby giving rise to a number of job opportunities.

SBM ITB Main Campus. Jalan Ganesha 0, Lebak Siliwangi, Coblong, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia MBA ITB Bandung Campus. Jalan Gelap Nyawang No. 1, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia MBA ITB Jakarta Campus. TK Low Center for Executive Education Graha Irama (Indorama), 12th floor Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950 ...