АВТО ЗАМЫН АШИГЛАЛТЫН ХЭЛТЭС. No Нэрс Албан тушаал Цахим хаяг. 1 Г.Булган Хэлтсийн дарга [email protected]. 2 Б.Эрдэнэцэцэг Төлөвлөлт хариуцсан ахлах мэргэжилтэн [email protected]. 3 О.Дэлгэрмаа Мэдээ ...

More than 32,000 views for this poor scan of a cheap map that you can buy at any old kiosk in Ulaanbaatar? Sometimes it makes me wonder... Cover and excerpt from a 1:2,500,000 Mongolian road map published in 2008. It looks as if the country is covered by a dense network of highways, but most are actually only dust roads - or less. The lake at the top …