Consult DISA's entire DISAMATIC C3 catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/4. Quality that pays DISA is renowned for engineering and design quality that ensures: • high uptime • less scrap and lower finishing costs • higher profitability over a longer service life • safe, easy and clean operation (CE and ISO 14001 compliant) Design that pays The new DISAMATIC C3 is designed to …

Open the catalog to page 2. DtSA A Norican Technology Features and options DISAMATIC C3-150 The DISAMATIC C3-150 offers the following main features: • up to 150 moulds per hour (uncored) • manual core setting: 120 moulds per hour (includes 15 secs. core setting time) • high accuracy (0.25 mm mismatch) • suitable for flexible & jobbing ...

The Advantages of Disamatic Moulding. Disamatic moulding has several advantages compared to other moulding processes. Increased Efficiency – fast and competitive production times. Cost Effective – cost effective production of large quality castings. Superior up time – reduced maintenance and downtime due to less moving parts and easy ...

More than 1,430 foundries all over the world have installed DISAMATIC moulding machines for production of a wide variety of casting types and sizes. Mould sizes available between 500 x 400mm and 1200 x 1050 mm. Superior uptime and reliability to optimize your productivity. Exceptional mould accuracy resulting in less machining costs.