The world centre for industrial metals trading. 22 168 Independent Review Selection Oliver Wyman Following the notification to the market of the LME and LME Clear's (together the "LME Group") intention to commission an Independent Review into events in the Nickel market leading up to the Nickel market suspension (LME Notice 22/099 and LME Clear Circular 22-022 dated …

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About Mineralogy and Thin Sections. The purpose of preparation of rocks, minerals, ceramic, and biological specimens is most often: Classification of rocks. Identification and mapping of minerals: dating or exploration, for example. Analysis: major and trace elements, textural studies, or isotopic composition, for example.

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Struers is the world's leading manufacturer of equipment, consumables, and services for materialographic surface preparation and analysis of solid materials. Their core business is developing, manufacturing, and delivering materialographic preparation and hardness testing solutions. Struers is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark and have representative offices …

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The conference is sponsored by CSIRO, JKMRC, SMI, Itasca, Minerals, DEM Solutions and The Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing (CSRP – the subject of International Mining's Research Focus in the June issue).Following DEM '07 is the two-day Precious Metals '07, and then from September 1-2, the 2nd annual conference on Automated Mineralogy, …

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