Хаяг: Баянгол дүүрэг, 4-р хороо, Ажилчны гудамж, 'ЭН ӨҮ ТИ ЭС' ХХК-ны байр Утас: 77440000 И-мэйл: [email protected]

SDLG DEALER NETWORK. Our dealer network is spread across India with a strong in-depth presence that makes our products and services available easily. VIEW NETWORK. INTERESTED? Interested in knowing more? Write to us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Or you can call us at 1800-108-6586 or +91-9945369456.

LG946L Wheel Loader SDLG - The experts at delivering value for money. Transmission Engine PowerM ax Breakout Force 12,746kgf Max. Traction Force 12,236kgf Static Tipping Load at full turn 8,000kg Operating Weight 13,150kg Min Turning Radius Outside Rear Wheel Standard Bucket Capacity 2.3m3 Min. Turning Radius Outside Bucket 6,117mm 5,365mm Lift Capacity …

05/07/2021 E-commerce da SDLG cresce para atender todas as regiões do país Aceitação da plataforma digital leva fábrica a aumentar a cobertura do território nacional e a dispor de mais peças e promoções para máquinas pesadas Perto de completar dois meses em atividade, o, – primeiro e-commerce de fábrica do seu segmento, e o …

or service, you can trust your SDLG dealer to deliver on our promise. When you buy SDLG, you're buying reliability: Reliability in Action. Ref No GradersVHP-PB-B English Sales Region EMEA 2018.09 SDLG, Eskilstuna D C A B E F G Description units G9190 G9190 VHP G9220 G9220 VHP Operating weight Base operating weight kg 15 800 15 800 16 500 16 500

SDLG Wheel Loaders. SDLG front end loaders offer the perfect balance between reliability and affordability for your construction, landscaping, municipality, material handling or agricultural needs. They're ideal for those who need a durable and flexible loader backed by a great warranty, but don't require the features of premium loaders.

Model SDLG A307B Type, Gear Shift Powershift, 2F / 1R Torque Conversion Ratio 4.01:1 Maximum Forward Velocity 40.5km/h Fluid Capacity Fuel Tank 300L Hydraulic Oil Tank 210L Item Specifications Front & Rear Axle Model SDLG A510 Tyre Size 23.5 x 25 Tyre Pressure 0.40MPA / 0.34MPa Steering System Type Hydrostatic Articulated Steering Angle 38°

Дугуйт ачигч Шинэ Барилгын тоног төхөөрөмж H серийн дугуйт ачигч нь орчин үеийн хэрэгцээнд өндөр гүйцэтгэл, ашиглалтын цаг, бага зардалтай ажиллагаа зэргээр нийцдэг. Тав тухтай байхаар загварчлагдсан энэхүү ачигч нь ажлаа илүү хурдан хугацаанд гүйцэтгэж илүү ашиг олох боломж олгоно. Гүйцэтгэл. H серий нь бүхий л нөхцөлд ажиллах …

Хүнд механизм үнэ үнэ авах & precio. Хүнд механизм » Sinotruk. 173 сая ₮. 5. SDLG Грейдер, 2022. SDLG uildweriin LG9220 markiin avto greider zarna Tehnikiin huchin chadal146kw, irnii zuzaan 22mm, irnii urgun 60mm, irnii urt 4.2m ergeltiin radius 7.6mm, nemelt tonoglol davhar hutagatai, ar talda soeotoi geh met nemelt tonoglolttoi greider zarna Mun ...