A look inside this marvellous road atlas of Mongolia. The atlas covers the entire country on a 1:1,000,000 scale, which is enough: As you can see the road network is not very complicated. All maps have contour lines, height and distance markers and all geographical names in Cyrillic script. Every petrol station in the countryside is indicated, which is important …

More than 32,000 views for this poor scan of a cheap map that you can buy at any old kiosk in Ulaanbaatar? Sometimes it makes me wonder... Cover and excerpt from a 1:2,500,000 Mongolian road map published in 2008. It looks as if the country is covered by a dense network of highways, but most are actually only dust roads - or less. The lake at the …

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More than 32,000 views for this poor scan of a cheap map that you can buy at any old kiosk in Ulaanbaatar? Sometimes it makes me wonder... Cover and excerpt from a 1:2,500,000 Mongolian road map published in 2008. It looks as if the country is covered by a dense network of highways, but most are actually only dust roads - or less. The lake at the top …