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эртний burr тээрэм эрдэнэ шиш бутлуурын IMF Reaches Staff Level Agreement on the First and Second Oct 30 2022 An International Monetary Fund IMF staff team led by Mr Geoff Gottlieb visited Ulaanbaatar from October 18 30 2022 to conduct discussions on the first and second reviews of the three year Extended Fund ...

зориулж чулуугаар хийсэн тээрэм. гангаар хийсэн ган тээрэм үйлдвэрлэдэг буцаад эргэлдэх тээрэм бутлуур Sunamachi Water Reclamation CenterBureau of Sewerage Sunamachi Water Reclamation Center is treating the sewer generated from the vast zone of 6 153ha which consists of all of Sumida Ward most of Koto Ward ...