Холбоо барих. Хаяг: Утас: + 976 - 90093354, 89693354, 70492525, 99093354 Имэйл: [email protected], bioergelkhairkhan@gmail

51 huntington plaza shelton, ct 06484 51 huntington plaza shelton, ct 06484 51 huntington plaza shelton, ct 06484 51 huntington plaza shelton, ct 06484 (203) 929-0336. Patio is now open! Call for a reservation or to place curb side take out. Hours. Menu. Call for our soup du jour. Menu. Daily Specials.

ХОЛБОО БАРИХ. Улаанбаатар хот Баянгол дүүрэг 20-р хороо үйлдвэрийн баруун бүс-1, сонсгонгийн зам-6/б, Тэнгэрийн долоон од ХХК-ны байр. (+976) 95091021, 99012003, 99332004. [email protected].

notice: the city of shelton has set up a phone line, 203-924-3029, where homebound & vulnerable at-risk shelton reisdents, who seek a covid at-home test & mask, can call and leave ther name, address & phone number. also, the website to order free covid at-home test kits from the federal government is open & available to place your order.