Cuso International (formerly CUSO, Canadian University Service Overseas) is a Canadian international development organization that connects communities around the world with skilled Canadians to help end poverty and inequality. Established in 1961, Cuso International has deployed more than 15,000 volunteers and has worked in more than 100 countries on long …
En nuestra Escuela podrás recibir Terapias de Reiki y Lectura de Registros Akáshicos. Podrás formarte en Reiki, Registros Akáshicos, Meditación, Ho´oponopono y Péndulo. Formación cualificada con prácticas gratuitas y apoyo permanente. Título y materiales avalados por la Alianza Española de Reiki y por la Federación Española de Reiki.
The term " CUSO " means that the business entity is qualified for and has a credit union investment. A CUSO must be a Subchapter-C corporation, limited liability company or limited partnership in which a credit union has an investment or loan. A CUSO cannot be a Subchapter-S corporation as the IRS Rules require that all owners of a ...
A CUSO must be a limited liability company, corporation or limited partnership. The corporation can be structured as a for-profit or as a non-profit cooperative. The most common form of CUSO is a limited liability company ("LLC"). CUSOs are typically run by boards appointed or elected by the owner credit unions.