Changelog. • New special items added. • 10 new special potions. • Two new special Christmas items. • A 3D model of a Christmas hat has been added to the lucky block that will appear from time to time. • Swords, armor, special boots and other items were added. • Added special mob spawners in the spawners tab. • Bug fixes.

Actual Guns Lite - A Weapon Add-on With Nothing Extra. With Minecraft Actual Guns Lite Add-on you can add only the most popular weapons to the game, without unnecessary elements like crafting, ammo and reloading. The lightened version of the mod is suitable for all players who want to get a weapon mod without the extra hassle!

World Animals is one of the best and biggest animal add-ons on Minecraft PE, adding animals from around the world to the game! Now your game world will be populated with various animals, most of which you can tame and use as pets or riding animals. The mod adds to the game both inhabitants of the land and the underwater world, and we strongly ...

The Clone Wars - Star Wars Add-on for Minecraft. The Clone Wars Add-on adds characters and weapons from the Star Wars movie to Minecraft PE! Now you can lead an army of elite soldiers of the Galactic Republic and become the new Darth Vader or fight shoulder to shoulder with Obi-Wan Kenobi, using a laser sword or a new weapon!

This mod adds 3 new robots, they will help us in our survival adventure! ChefBot, FriBot and CarBot. And soon will be more.They are craftable, useful and cutes. Turn ... Addon. Minecraft PE Mods & Addons. 11 Feb, 2020 (UPDATED) Controllable Cannons - also includes Miniguns, Landmines, Time Bombs, Laserguns and More!

To do this, you will need Skill Points, obtained by either a Demon Slayer killing a Demon mob, or a Demon killing a Demon Slayer mob. The strength of the mob determines how many Skill Points you earn. gameplay example : (sun 13th form, only unlockable with tsugikuni family) to change between forms, sneak and right click/hold

This modification is undoubtedly the most advanced Pokémon addon for the Minecraft Pocket Edition of the entire assembly. To get their pet, the player will need to collect only three apricots from the bush and then fry them in the oven. Next, with the help of a red disc, scrawl the long-awaited purchase.

Mods, Maps, Skins, Seeds, Texture Packs. Mods Add-ons Scripts ModPE BlockLauncher Addons Maps .McWorld .McTemplate Adventure Creation CTM Custom Terrain Minigame Modded Parkour Puzzle PvP Redstone Roller Coaster Survival Servers Skins Skin Packs Texture Packs 16×16 32×32 64×64 128×128 Shaders Seeds 1.10+ 1 ...

No need to learn programming language to be a MCPE modder. Let's show off your creativity by creating your own Minecraft mods using this mod maker app, without typing a line of code. ★ KEY FEATURES ★ - Simple, easy and friendly interface. No coding skill required. - Custom item recipe: now you can craft new modded item with your own recipe.

Following the Kanto pokédex, Pokémon will be added little by little. The addon have a basic combat system. but at the same time keeping the vanilla style of minecraft. -Bulbasaur location: Every forest. -Charmander location: Mesa. -Squirtle location: Warm beach only. -Caterpie location: Every kind of Forests. -Weedle location: Any kind of ...

The Morph mod does it notably best. Morphism This fantastic MCPE addon transforms players into shapeless substances that change their shapes instantly and nonstop. However, you can control your conversions quite easily: one has to follow one simple rule. It states you change your form only when you kill someone in Minecraft PE.

Browse and download Minecraft Mcpe Mods by the Planet Minecraft community. Home Minecraft Mods Updated. Login; or; Sign Up; brightness_4 Dark mode. Search Mods. Minecraft. Content Maps Texture Packs Player Skins Mob Skins Data Packs Mods Blogs. ... 1.18 New Content Mod. 10. 9. VIEW. Minecraft 1.18 Game Version.

Mods, Maps, Skins, Seeds, Texture Packs. Mods Add-ons Scripts ModPE BlockLauncher Addons Maps .McWorld .McTemplate Adventure Creation CTM Custom Terrain Minigame Modded Parkour Puzzle PvP Redstone Roller Coaster Survival Servers Skins Skin Packs Texture Packs 16×16 32×32 64×64 128×128 Shaders Seeds 1.10+ 1.9+ 1.6 ...

World Problems is a great military add-on for Minecraft PE, adding firearms, soldiers and new mobs to the game. Now you will be able to travel through the world of the game in the company of new companions, which can become soldiers, an army general or an ordinary . And new weapons, such as gun or M16 automatic rifle, will help in the fight ...

Download the Among Us mod for Minecraft PE: protect poor…. Download Project Walker Mod for Minecraft PE: try to survive…. Download Hunters Mod for Minecraft PE: feel yourself on a…. Download Bandits Mod for Minecraft PE: create an atmosphere of…. Download Origins Mod for Minecraft PE: completely change your hero,….