HD785-7 Dump Trucks. Our 91 tonne capacity mechanical drive HD785-7 offers the highest brake retardation in its class, along with 's advanced transmission system for greater safety in all types of mining applications. As with all our trucks, key components are designed and manufactured by to work together in an integrated package.

Der HD785-7 ist mit einer Reihe Eigenschaften und Ausrüstungen ausgestattet, die für mehr Einsatzsicherheit sorgen, wie z.B. das moderne Bremssystem mit Retarder. Der Retarder hat eine Leistung von 1.484 PS bei kontinuierlichem Gefälle. Er ist somit der leistungsstärkste in dieser Klasse und sorgt für sicheres Fahren bergab.

HD785-7 HD785-7 O FF-HIGHWAYT RUCK OFF-HIGHWAY TRUCK 6 7 Automatic Idling Setting System (AISS) This system facilitates quick engine warm-up and operator cab cooling/warming.When setting the system ON, engine idle speed is kept at 945 rpm(min-1), but is lowered to 750 rpm(min-1) when the coolant temperature rises to 50°C.

this payload policy is intended to identify the guidelines and limitations for the loading of mining trucks, and is valid for approved applications and haul profiles only. 1)the average monthly payload must not exceed the rated payload of the truck. 2)90% of all loads must be below 110% of the rated payload of the truck. 3)10% of all …

feedback, is achieving great advancements in technology. To achieve both high levels of productivity and economical performance, has developed the main components with a total control system. The result is a new generation of high performance and environment friendly machines. High Performance SAA6D170E-5 Engine

HD785-7 Ficha tecnica & Especificaciones (2006-2019) 10,00 /10 Califique esta máquina ahora! Peso: 72.6t – Neumáticos estándar: 27.00 R 49 – Capacidad de la cuchara bivalva: 40m³ – Carga útil: 91t – Dirección: VL – Longitud de transporte: 11.015m. Datos técnicos. Comprar & Alquilar. Repuestos y componentes. Eventos ...

All inside the . HD785-7 DUMP TRUCK SERVICE SHOP REPAIR MANUAL covers the complete tear down and rebuild, pictures and part diagrams, torque specifications, maintenance, troubleshooting, etc.. HD785-7 DUMP TRUCK SERVICE SHOP REPAIR MANUAL are in a digital Adobe Pdf format. Tons of pictures and diagrams at …

Consult Construction and Mining Equipment's entire HD785-7 catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/14. Exhibit with us {{>currencyLabel}} Back ... (arsc) The HD785-7 is equipped with AP-FOUR that applies retarding force on all four wheels. This reduces the possibility of tire-lock and enables effective use of retarder capacity, allowing ...

Windows: Windows Vista, XP, 7, 8.1, 8, 10 (COMPATIBLE WITH ANY WINDOWS VERSION (32 & 46 bit)) Type: Dump Truck HD785-7 Spare Parts Catalogue for Equipments Link one Parts Viewer 5.11 Amount of DVD: 1 DVD App CSS + 1 DVD Database License KEYS: (Present) Instruction: Present. Dump Truck HD785-7 S/N 30001-UP Spare Parts Catalog

HD785-8. Power on grade. Exceptional brake-retarding performance. With a rated payload of 101.6 U.S. tons, the HD785-8 is ready to produce in your mining, quarry, and aggregate applications. The SAA12V140E-7 engine provides 1,140 net horsepower for excellent speed-on-grade. Oil-cooled, multiple-disc brakes on the front and rear wheels ...

Open the catalog to page 4 aP-four (anti-Pitching 4-wheel oil-cooled multiple disc retarder) auto retard speed control (arsc) The HD785-7 is equipped with AP-FOUR that applies retarding force on all four wheels. This reduces the possibility of tire-lock and enables effective use of retarder capacity, allowing stable downhill travel.

V ISTA G ENERAL HD785-7 C A M I Ó N F U E R A D E C A R R E T E R A 2 Características de Productividad y Economía Motor SAA12V140E-3 de alto rendimiento Potencia Neta 879kW 1,178HP Sistema Selector de Modo con Control de Potencia Variable (VHPC) Dos Velocidades seleccionables en Reversa RH y RL Anti-cabeceo retardador de discos múltiples …