To date Anson Mills has provided grants to resuscitate roughly a dozen types of threatened antebellum mill corn, and has offered its research growers heirloom s. eed, seed selection expertise and management advice. Glenn works with thirty organic growers in six states. Finding growers who are prepared to withstand the rigor of organic ...

6 ounces good cheddar, shredded. Maple syrup and butter to taste for serving. 1. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar and baking powder and set aside. 2. In a saucepot, bring the water and butter to a simmer. Before the water comes to a boil start adding the grits, stirring steadily until incorporated.

April 2010. Hi, everybody! We took a short break from the newsletter cycle this winter to groom ansonmills for upgrades to its e-commerce system—changes that will find full expression some paces down the road in an expanded new web presence! Toward that end, I have been busy writing background, taking pictures, and working with our design ...

Spring at Anson Mills April 2009. Hey, everybody! I just finished planting rice in the ACE Basin, a large wilderness area about 20 miles south of Charleston that spans the confluence of the Ashepoo, Cumbahee, and Edisto, three of the seven great rice rivers of colonial Carolina. Walking the perimeter the field, I might have said I was alone ...