Уул уурхайн компаниудын хохирлыг улсын төсөв дийлэх үү. zochin [] 12:00:23 uls gazar hutgaa butsaaj awah erhtei tedhii horohgo bish ard tumhii omch tedend mohgo tolohgui ee hurel suh ard tumnii omchiig gazar nutgiig butsaaj awsan n zow herew zasgiin gazar tedend mohgo toloh yum bol buruudan shuu estoi ard tumen bosoh bh ...
zimbabwe дахь алтны уурхай. Зимбабве дахь Maize Mill. MillingABC Hansen Africa provides Maize Mills and . Large Scale. 3 Ton per hour (75 tons per day) and larger capacities up to 240 tons per day in respect of maize and wheat mills is developed by ABC Hansen Africa in collaboration with such world class manufacturers as Imas from Turkey United Milling Systems …