Millat Agricultural Implements Prices 2022: NAME OF IMPLEMENT: PRICE WITH GST: MF-1840 Massey Ferguson (Hay Baler) Rs. 3,688,000: Millat Wheat Straw Reaper / Chopper (Fodder Filler) Rs. 850,000: Forage Harvester JF92Z10 (Maize Head) Rs. 898,000: Grass Head JF-1300 ( attachment for JF92Z10) Rs. 749,350

Millat Tractors Prices revised and updated in March, 2022. Massey Ferguson / Millat Tractor is having market share of above 60% in Pakistan's tractor industry. Millat tractor models 2022 have no significant changes in specifications. Due to the depreciation of Pakistani Rupee against Dollar tractor prices increased significantly.

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MILLAT INDUSTRIES EXTENDS PARTNERSHIP WITH UD CENTER FOR LEADERSHIP! Learn More; February 28, 2022. MILLAT INDUSTRIES HOSTS EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION EVENT! Learn More; January 10, 2022. Another Successful Project Launch! Learn More; Phone: 937.434.6666. Fax: 937.434.8190. 4901 Croftshire Drive. Dayton, OH …

Millat Tractors Limited 9-km, Sheikhupura Road, Shahdara Lahore; Post Code: 12023 +92 42 3791 1021-25; UAN +92 42 111 200 786; FAX: +92 42 3792 4166, 42 3792 5835; [email protected]; ; Facebook Instagram Youtube. Primary Contact Details for handling of Investor's (Shareholders) Grievances.