Greek: life; living, live, alive. 1. The loss of vitality in or the degeneration of certain cells or tissues, as in the aging process; physical degeneration; loss of vitality: The loss of functions or vitality in an organism or in cells or tissues which is not a result of any apparent injury; for example, senile dementia and related abiotrophies. 2.
Bia Nourishing Facial Oil is designed for all skin types and is especially great for dry, flaky or itchy skin. Scent: Herbaceous and calming. Volume: 30 ml / 1.0 US fl. Oz. Made In: Ireland. Period After Opening: 6 months. CLINICAL DATA 32 women, aged 38-64, with dry skin, applied twice a day for 28 days (Essex Labs, United States, 2019).
1. The (supposed) origin or evolution of living organisms from lifeless matter without the action of living parents; spontaneous generation (introduced by Professor Thomas H. Huxley when addressing the British Association at Liverpool, September, 1870): Our professor explained the theory of abiogenesis when we were learning about the evolution of species.