Our vision is to reinvent the aluminum industry for a sustainable future. We'll realize this vision through the talent of our people and the advancements in our processes and products. We have some of the best operators in the business with leading technologies and game-changing innovations – and the industry's most comprehensive portfolio of low-carbon …

Bayer volunteers are supporting the refugees and assist them in administrative issues. We hope that the Ukrainian farmers will be able to secure the 2022 harvest. In addition to the seeds and agricultural inputs that the team in Ukraine supplied and continues to supply to farmers, Bayer has donated more than 40,000 bags of seeds to grow food on ...

зао «алкоа металлург рус» выпускает листопрокатную, прессовую и кузнечно-штампованную продукцию: листы, плиты, панели; профили, прутки, трубы, штамповки, поковки, алюминиевую посуду с антипригарным покрытием, алюминиевую матовую посуду, специальную алюминиевую посуду (фляги, бидоны и т. д.) под торговой …

Американская металлургическая компания Alcoa пришла в Россию не только с деньгами. Главное &n – Сергей, компания Алкоа инвестировала в программу модернизации российских предприятий более 787 миллионов долларов. В рамках этой программы, помимо покупки нового оборудования, на заводах в Самаре и Белой …

Our vision is to reinvent the aluminum industry for a sustainable future. We'll realize this vision through the talent of our people and the advancements in our processes and products. We have some of the best operators in the business with leading technologies and game-changing innovations – and the industry's most comprehensive portfolio of low-carbon products.

Bayer in Russia and the CIS Countries. Bayer`s business relations with Russia have a long history that began in 1876, when Bayer opened a dyestuffs factory in Moscow. This was Bayer`s first production facility outside Germany. Today with AO Bayer in Moscow all Bayer divisions are represented in Russia: Consumer Health, Pharmaceuticals and Crop ...