Металлургийн хэд хэдэн арга бий: 1. Пирометаллурги бол дулааны аргаар маш өндөр температурт хүдрийг хайлж цааш нь шат дараалан химийн урвал явуулан цэвэр металл гаргадаг арга юм. Энд төмрийн хүдрийг хайлуулах байшин зуухны аргыг хамааруулж болно. 2. Карботермийн арга. Үүнд нүүрс буюу нүүрсний оксидоор хүдрийг ангижруулдаг.

Асфальт из Мёртвого моря Асфа́льт ( др.-греч. ἄσφαλτος « горная смола » [1], «асфальт» [2] ) — горная, минеральная смола (историческое название — «иудейская смола»), представляющая чёрное или черно-бурое, сильно блестящее вещество, плавящееся при 100 °C, растворимое в терпентинном масле, нефти и бензине. Разновидность …

Asphalt 9: Legends. Experience rich racing gameplay mechanics that reward skillful play and risk taking. Drive across the world with over 140 real hypercars that you can collect, upgrade, and customize. Complete over 900 solo career events, create a racing club with your friends or participate in live 8-player races.

About this game. In Asphalt 9: Legends, take the wheel of real cars from high-end renowned legendary car manufacturers, such as Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, and W Motors, among many other international brands. Drive, boost and perform stunts across dynamic real-life locations in single or multiplayer play. Racing adrenaline, brought to you by ...

Roots are nice, but we prefer dealing with regular numbers as much as possible. So, for example, instead of √4 we prefer dealing with 2. What about roots that aren't equal to an integer, like √20? Still, we can write 20 as 4⋅5 and then use known properties to write √(4⋅5) as √4⋅√5, which is 2√5. We *simplified* √20.