Дээрх нь лити батерейг засах арга юм, янз бүрийн төрлийн лити батерейг засварлах технологийн иж бүрэн багц. Тиймээс, онолын хувьд, арга байхгүй "үхэгсдийг амилуулах". Түүнээс гадна, бусад батерейгаас ялгаатай, Лити батерей нь санах ойн шинж чанартай байдаггүй. Батерейг цэнэглэх үед хэр их цахилгаан зарцуулж болохыг харуулсан эрчим …

1. Higher energy density According to reports, the energy density of the square aluminum shell lithium iron phosphate battery mass-produced in 2018 is about 160Wh / кг. In 2019, some excellent battery manufacturers can probably achieve the level of 175-180Wh / кг, and some powerful manufacturers use stacks. The film technology and capacity are made larger, or it …

Why is LiFePO4 battery so popular? The LiFePO4 battery is a type of Lithium-ion battery. It is one of the safest and most eco-friendly battery because of its non-toxicity, high energy density, low self-discharge, fast charging and long life span. Because of these characteristics, it has now become the most mainstream battery, widely used in light electric vehicles, energy storage...