Awkward Guy Ruins Porn Shoot. A socially inept goober gets a job getting jerked off by a hottie and manages to fuck it up, dashing his dreams of porn stardom in the process. It's like the movie Rudy, if Rudy was thrown out the game before ever playing and never scored. 2,600,066 views 12/03/13 LULZ.

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Efukt is one of those sites that doesn't make it their main focus to get you off. They seem more concerned with sharing hilarious content, like in a video they posted called "Ultra Beta," for which the description reads, "This is ridiculous. Not 'haha-ridiculous' like a slab of society identifying as non-binary lesbian toaster strudel.

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REAL: E- Takes Fan's ity One half of MTV's greatest creation hits the fucking SIMP jackpot. She's Cameron Canela and before her IMDB sported titles like Don't Break Me Volume 6 and Republican Candidate Wife Swap she was handing out freebies to genetics most unfortunate specimens. 1,414,058 views 04/28/22 s 1 2 3 4 5

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