The Greening of Detroit is a non-profit organization focused on enhancing the quality of life for Detroiters by planting trees, providing job training and involving our youth in the education of the natural environment. We involve Detroiters in the process through community engagement, green spaces, education and jobs. ...

Calder Greening is a series of projects to improve green spaces, encourage tourism and business growth, and complement Flood Alleviation schemes with naturally managed flood risk across the Calder Valley. Part funded by the European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) as part of a £1.3m package, it is being delivered by Calderdale Council in ...

The cooling effect from greening is less significant in tropical forests with high leaf areas. "This is a warning sign about climate change. We should be cautious that the rainforests, which are at the forefront of the fight against global warming, are reaching the limits of their capacity to absorb carbon and cool the surface." commented ...

EL EDIFICIO. Greending Ugarte es un edificio corporativo clase AAA con características sustentables y amigables con el medio ambiente, bajo la normativa LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) para la categoría Core & Shell. Ubicado a 80 metros de Panamericana y Ugarte y a 2.500 metros de General Paz, en el partido de Vicente López. …