Анар нунтаглах машин. хацарт бутлуурын цех - furlani. хацарт бутлуурын цех. Voice design Mixed Reality Microsoft DocsGaze gesture and voice GGV are the primary means of interaction on HoloLens Gaze used with a cursor is the mechanism for a user to target the content they are ready to interact with Gesture or voice are the intention ...
Багана нунтаглах машин. iron flower. Za oird blogdoo orsongui, odoonoos haayaa medee medeelel oruulj bainaa. Ene hugatsaand ih ch zavgui yavlaa, olon turliin ch zuil hiilee, gehdee ene bugdees hamgiin ih oilgoson zuil bol yalt ch gui setgeliin amar amgalan, hund uurtuu itgeh itgeliig ugdug yum bna, tiimees odoonoos ehluuleed