"Customer success" is our goal China's mining machinery production and export base. AMC Machinery is committed to building crushing, industrial grinding, ore processing and green building materials, and provides intelligent solutions and mature supporting products, deeply cultivates the global market, and uses the spirit of craftsmanship to build a powerful tool for a big country
Энэхүү бутлуурыг уурхай, хайлш, барилга, авто болон төмөр зам, усны байгуулатж зэрэг салбаруудад өргөнөөр ашигладаг. Ажиллах зарчим: Цахилгаан хөдөлгүүр нь тууз болон туузан дугуйг хөдөлгөнө. Налуу гол холхивч хөдөлснөөр хацрын дээр доор хөдөлнө, хацар дээш хөдлөх үед тээглүүр хавтан болон хөдлөгч хацрын хоорондын …
History. The town is a center for the Mutair Bedouin tribe, who were displaced to that region by the Alharbi and Almutiri tribes after having migrated to Najd. [when?Artawiyah was one of the earliest settlements of the Ikhwan Wahhabi militia movement which appeared in the early part of the 20th century. This conservative group mandated strict gender rules in the town, with …