Slurry Seal – Pavement Surface Treatment. Slurry seal is a cold mix paving system that can remedy a broad range of problems on streets, airfields, parking lots, and driveways. Think of Slurry Seal as an Industrial Grade Asphalt Surfacing. The principal materials used to create slurry are aggregate, asphalt emulsion, and fillers which are ...

Slurry seal is a mixture of well-graded fine aggregate with mineral filler and dilute asphalt emulsion. A single course is usually applied in thicknesses of 3–6 mm (1/8–1/4 in.). Slurry seals are effective in areas of excessive oxidation and hardening of the existing asphalt and are used for sealing minor surface cracks and voids, retarding ...

That's where slurry seal comes in. And while slurry seal has a cost, it is estimated that it is still almost 14 times cheaper than needing to replace your asphalt prematurely due to poor maintenance. Make the right decision and maintain your asphalt using slurry seal so you save long-term money, time, and stress.

What is Slurry? Slurry seal is a mixture of aggregate, asphalt emulsion, and filler, which are mixed together according to a laboratory's design-mix formula. water is also added for workability. Asphalt emulsions serve as a binder, holding the crushed aggregate together and adhering the new slurry surfacing to the old surface over which it is ...