Obajana has 13.25mt of capacity across four lines, the newest of which was commissioned in late 2014. Obajana uses gas for its kilns and power plants and until late 2014, relied on low-pour fuel oil as a back-up fuel for its kilns. In November 2014 we commissioned a coal mill to serve Line 3 and are installing coal mills to serve Lines 1,2 and 4.

15. Цементийг тээрэмдэхэд Ø3.2x11м харьцаатай 45 т/цаг хүчин чадалтай бөмбөлөгт тээрмийг ашиглана. Тээрмээс гарах цементийг 80 микроны нүхтэй шигшүүр дээрх үлдэгдэл 8 – 10% байхаар нунтаглана. Тээрмээс гарсан цементийн бүхэл хэсэг сеператорт ялгагдан тээрэмд буцаж ачаалагдан дахин нунтаглагдана. 16.

Rome2rio makes travelling from Obajana to Lagos easy. Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Obajana to Lagos right here. Rome2rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, …

According to Dangote Cement PLC's website, the Obajana Cement Plant's power source is a 3 x 45 MW captive gas-, coal-, and low-pour fuel oil (LPFO)-fired power plant. In 2005, the Social and Environmental Impact Assessment for the Obajana Cement Project noted the cement factory would be equipped with 135 MW of Gas/Steam turbines to ...

Obajana uses gas for its kilns and power plants and until late 2014, relied on low-pour fuel oil as a back-up fuel for its kilns. In November 2014 we commissioned a coal mill to serve Line 3 and are installing coal mills to serve Lines 1,2 and 4. Obajana has limestone reserves of 647 million tonnes expected to last for about 45 years.

geological maps of Obajana, topo sheets of parts of Kabba Sheet 146 and Aiyegunle 226 (Fig.3), a pre-classified land use land cover map of the area for ground truthing (Plate I), other relevant data and existing literatures. The images were georeferenced to Universal Transverse - Mercator (UTM) projection (WGS 1984 UTM 32 North) and a