Fах: +976-70582783. Mobile:+976 - 88071207. Имайл:[email protected], Web хаяг : Дүрэм 1. Орчин үеийн хүн өдөрт дор хаяж нэг удаа Имайл хаягаа шалгаж байх ёстой. Дүрэм 2. Ирсэн майлүүдээ уншихын сацуу заавал хариу ...
Roy Thomas (born November 22, 1940) is a comic book writer and editor. He wrote the comic adaptation for A New Hope, and was one of the first to contribute to the Expanded Universe as he wrote the subsequent stories in Marvel Star Wars comic series, but only stayed on for a total run of ten issues. Thomas began in the comics industry in 1965 when he started working as an …