Stone Crusher is a unique Legendary Mallet. Decreasing enemy defense by the hit and high chances of inflicting a Crushing Blow, Stone Crusher is particularly good at sustained battles against tough enemies. Stone Crusher Legendary Mallet One-Hand Damage: (190-210) To (231-256) Required Level: 68 Required Strength: 189 Durability: 65 Mace Class – Slow Attack …

Comment by Sipder2. To trigger Stygian Stonecrusher you have to speak to Drippy (need Venthyr Covenant to start).; After that defeat the mob waves that will appear, until spawn Stygian Stonecrusher.; Has chance to drop Gravewing Crystal quest item to get the mount Mastercraft Gravewing (I got after 4 trys). /way 46,5, 79,6 Drippy /way 45,8, 80,6 Broken Gatecrasher

Customers find our cone crushers and jaw crushers are extremely effective in creating large amounts of fill quickly and effecticely.Cone crushers and jaw crushers can create rock fill to be used for erosion control and landscaping purposes.Cone crushers and jaw crushers are the mainstay of the rock crusher industry, we offer a large selection ...

Then this is the requirements to get the AQW Stone Crusher Class: Need Rank 10 Brightoak. Earth's Song Token x1 (Need Rank 10 Mythsong) Shaman Armor x1 (Need Rank 10 Arcangrove) 100,000 gold. To merge it, you need to go to the map /join gaiazor and the requirements is all there. And as you can see, this class require 3 rank maximum faction ...