Distance between Solapur to Osmanabad. Check the daily buses run by MSRTC Bus Timings State Government Transport between with service number, duration, bus type, trip route, trip timings, seat availability for online booking, adult fare & child fare, alternative buses or bus routes from different locations to the destination. BusTimings.in is the leading source for …

The journey from Solapur to Usmanabad is smoothly covered by a bus in 9 hours. The time to travel is dependent on India's traffic, roads and climatic conditions. There are operators running their buses between Solapur to Usmanabad bringing necessary travel convenience for several people in India. All buses are driven by experienced drivers ...

How far is it between Osmanabad and Solāpur. Osmanabad is located in India with (18.1816,76.0389) coordinates and Solapur is located in India with (17.6715,75.9104) coordinates. The calculated flying distance from Osmanabad to Solapur is equal to 36 miles which is equal to 58 km.. If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Osmanabad …

Зөөврийн бутлуур зарах тухай ... Англи хэл дээр цахим хэлбэрээр [email protected] хаяг руу "WS1233285099 Зөөврийн бутлуур" бүхий гарчигтайгаар 2018 оны 02-р сарын 07-ны 17:00 цагаас өмнө ирүүлнэ. ...