A high quality, safe and cost-effective solution for wheelset machining. The Danobat underfloor wheel lathe is a specifically designed and cost-saving machine for the preventive and corrective maintenance of railway wheels and brake-discs. We have a wide range of underfloor wheel lathes to adapt to any type of vehicle, whether high speed ...

DANOBAT Railways business unit focuses its activity in the supply of turnkey solutions for the manufacturing and maintenance of railways rolling stock, incorporating own leading technology products, together with those manufactured by specialized companies. It gathers extensive experience and qualifications in the rendering of services such as ...

Danobat, marktführend bei Lösungen mit hoher Wertschöpfung für Schleifen, Drehen, Stanzen und Biegen. Danobat entwickelt in enger Zusammenarbeit mit seinen Kunden schlüsselfertige Lösungen für spezifische Anwendungen in den folgenden Branchen: Luft- und Raumfahrt, Eisenbahn- und Automobilbau, Energieversorgung, Öl- und Gasindustrie und ...

Smart technology transferred to the market through our two prestigious brands. Danobat, a benchmark manufacturer of high value-added solutions in the field of grinding, turning, cutting, punching, bending and automated production systems for composite structural components. Danobat develops, in close collaboration with its customers, turnkey ...