Naval Oceanography Portal. The following NMOC components make their products available to the public through this portal The U S Naval Observatory USNO provides a wide range of astronomical data and products and serves as the official source of time for the U S Department of Defense and a standard of time for the entire United States The following NMOC …

советский и латвийский композитор, пианист, дирижер, политический деятель 12 января 1936 86 лет назад Раймонд Волдемарович Паулс Знаменитого композитора, дирижера, пианиста — Раймонда Паулса можно по праву назвать родоначальником эстрадной музыки Латвии. Именно благодаря ему изначально «легкий» жанр …

пабрик пенголахан минерал ди пакистан Environment People Law. EPL is a public interest environmental law organization which since 1994 has been protecting environmental rights, supporting, restoring and improving the environment and providing legal help in protecting other human rights, especially those which overlap with environmental rights.