Багана нунтаглах машин. iron flower. Za oird blogdoo orsongui, odoonoos haayaa medee medeelel oruulj bainaa. Ene hugatsaand ih ch zavgui yavlaa, olon turliin ch zuil hiilee, gehdee ene bugdees hamgiin ih oilgoson zuil bol yalt ch gui setgeliin amar amgalan, hund uurtuu itgeh itgeliig ugdug yum bna, tiimees odoonoos ehluuleed ...

Шведийн бутлуур машин. машин дахь retort компани. Retort Food ProductionTruitt Bros. Inc. This thermal processing in a state-of-the-art retort machine eliminates microbial organisms that can cause food spoilage resulting in custom-prepared foods that are safe to store without refrigeration for the shelf life of the product.Алтны уул уурхайн