Control of LavaSpellWorld of Warcraft. RestorationFlame Shock s damage occurs 8 69565 more often If Flame Shock is dispelled a volcanic eruption wells up beneath the dispeller exploding for 300 of Spell power Fire damage and knocking them into the air ElementalFlame Shock s damage occurs 15 more often If Flame Shock is dispelled a volcanic eruption wells up beneath the …

Motivation. An important tendency in Proto-Slavic – one which also operated throughout the Common Slavic period (ca. 300–1000 CE) and was the direct cause of the first palatalization – was so-called intrasyllabic synharmony. [citation needed]Such intrasyllabic synharmony is said to be violated if a velar consonant occurs before a front (palatal) vowel, as the former is …

Явцын хяналт ажил ид өрнөж байх үед хийгдэх бөгөөд үндсэн хэлбэр нь ажилтны үйл ажиллагааг түүний шууд захирах дарга хянах байдлаар явагдана. Төгсгөлийн хяналт нь ажил дуусах эсвэл төлөвлөсөн цаг хугацаа хэтэрсэн үед хийгддэг онцлогтой. Явцын болон төгсгөлийн хяналт буцах холбоогоор дамжин хийгдэнэ.