Informujemy, iż jako Zarząd ISSA Polska, w lipcu robimy sobie przerwę by naładować akumulatory i znową energią dbać o rozwój Członków ISSA Polska.Oczywiście będziemy sprawdzać skrzynkę [email protected], lecz odpowiedź może przyjść zwiększym opóźnieniem. Życzymy miłego i efektywnie spędzonego lipca,Zarząd ISSA Polska.

The IATA Standard Safety Assessment (ISSA) is a voluntary evaluation program, produced at the request of the industry, to extend the benefits of operational safety and efficiency that emanated from the IATA Operational Safety Audit Program to the operators of smaller aircraft that are not eligible for the IOSA program.> See who is on the ISSA Registry

Issa Rae, Producer: Insecure. Jo-Issa Rae Diop credited professionally as Issa Rae, is an American actress, writer, producer, and comedian. Rae first garnered attention for her work on the YouTube web series Awkward Black . Since 2011, Rae has continued to develop her YouTube channel, which features various short films, web series, and other content created by black …

Innovation: The ISSA facilitates innovative approaches to strengthen administration, anticipate risks and manage change. Promotion: The ISSA supports global advocacy to promote comprehensive social security. The ISSA was founded in 1927 under the auspices of the International Labour Organization, and today has over 320 member institutions from ...

Orient Technical Marine Co. Ltd. Orion Safety Station Orizon Maritima Sao Luis Oscar Shipchandlers LLC Outland Port S.L. Oy Axel Liljefors Ab Ltd Ozgen Ship Supply P B 1870 s.r.l. Pacific Ocean Ship Services Pacific Ship Supplies Pte Ltd Pacific Trade Palco Marine Services (S) Pte Ltd Pan Arabian Shipchandlers LLC Pan Marine Panama Marine Paria ...