Aeromechanical conveyors are capable of moving a wide range of materials, including powders, granules, and small pellets. Materials and products that Powderflight aermomechanicals have successfully conveyed include food ingredients, coffee beans, chemical powders (including titanium dioxide), refractory powders, sand and silica, and more.

Powderflight™ Aeromechanical conveyors: Provide a Dust-free solution for a wide variety of food and chemical materials. Dependable high output. Clean handling. Affordable cost. Within a tube of mild or stainless steel, a wire rope with evenly spaced discs travels at high speed, running in sprockets at each end of the conveyor.

+27 33 387 3923 AEROMECHANICAL CONVEYING The Anderson Engineering Aeromechanical Conveyor is the solution to reliably transferring dry granules, powdered materials, flakes or bulk mixtures for a variety of manufacturing and processing industries. The conveyor can handle products gently to minimise the damage to the particles.

Aeromechanical conveyors DATA SHEET These aeromechanical conveyors, also known as aeromechanical lifts or generically as disk conveyors, are ideal for long sections of pipeline conveying densely packed and/or non-fluent powder vertically, thanks to the fluidity generated in the powder during its passage through the line.

The Aeromechanical Conveyor consists of a series of polymer disks, affixed to an aircraft quality SS wire cable on 6" centers. This rope assembly rotates at speeds between 200 – 400 FPM, thereby creating a transfer motive, air, which conveys your product. Material discharges, via centrifugal force, at the outlet.

Mechanical conveying Technical specification The use of the chain is related to the power implemented and the length of the conveyor. The aero conveyor engineering using cables allows the implantation of the equipment in food grade industries. 2 aero conveyors ensure the loading of a sifter (scraping disks manufatured in food grade nylon)

Aeromechanical conveyors can be connected to and fed from a variety of sources, including bins, hoppers and silos, mixers and blenders, and bulk bag dischargers and fillers. Aeromechanical Conveyors: Pros Fully enclosed tube prevents product contamination and contains dust Can convey at any angle from 0 – 90 degrees No separation of mixtures

Aero mechanical conveyors can operate at speeds up to 36 ft3/min or 2,160 ft3/hour / 1 m3/min or 61 m3/hr, with many products such as flour. They are capable of conveying rates in excess of 160,000 lb/hr / 72,600 kg/hr but this rate will vary according to the bulk density of the product. Conveys difficult materials