Rimau is a two-player abstract strategy board game from Malaysia. It is a hunt game, and specifically a tiger hunt game (or tiger game) since it uses an expanded Alquerque board. The one tiger is being hunted by 24 men. The tiger attempts to eat the men, and the men attempt to trap the tiger. An interesting feature in this game is that the ...

Operation Rimau was an attack on Japanese shipping in Singapore Harbour, carried out by an Allied commando unit Z Special Unit, during World War II using Australian built Hoehn military MKIII folboats. It was a follow-up to the successful Operation Jaywick which had taken place in September 1943, and was again led by Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Lyon of the Gordon …

Конусан бутлуурын бүтэц нь их бие, үл хөдлөх конус, хөдлөх конус, пуржинт механизм, аяган хэлбэрт тэнхлэгийн тулгуур рамм болон хөдлөгөөнт хэсэг зэрэг хэсгүүдээс бүрдэнэ. Хэрэглэх хүрээ 2003 онд Хөнань дахь алтны хүдэр баяжуулах үйлдвэрийг шинэчлэхэд Синьхай компани тус үйлдвэрийн бутлах, шигших хэсгийн төслийг хариуцаж гүйцэтгэсэн.