Чулуун бутлуурын сэлбэг хэрэгсэл гэж юу вэ. FIMMDA The Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives . FIMMDADaily Corporate Bond Security Level Valuation (SLV) updated with Prices from 04Sep18 Circular on Corporate Bond Publiion of daily Security Level Valuation (SLV) ( ) Changes in Format for publiion of MONTH END SDL and Fortnightly perpetual Bond AT1 …

Үргүйдлийн шалтгаан юу вэ ? News.MN. Zochin 20100503 ih zugeer zovlogoo bn bid chini ene talaar iim medeelel muutai bdag shuu dee tegeed l medehgyi emnelegeer ih udaan yavj tsag aldaad bn aa zarim emch nar medehgyi hudlaa l baahan heden jil yavuulaad l buur suuldee hagalgaand geed l durand oruulaad l naaldang uusgeed haychih yum aa teriigee neej …