Down the Hole ( DTH ) Hammer 3''- 8"with shank of DHD. Product details. Rock drilling tools manufacturer Prodrill DTH hammers are available in sizes from 2″ to 20″ for Down The Hole hammer bits are available in sizes from 2″ to 36″, with all shanks, multiple face, and with a variety of tungsten carbide button styles to suit a wide ...

DHD DTH Martillo. DHD DTH martillo DHD340 DTH martillo con 115mm diámetros bits para abajo la perforación de martillo de agujero podemos suministrar todas las series de equipos de perforación y herramientas de perforación adecuadas para DTH martillo, DTH martillo, etc. Mediante el uso de materias primas de alta calidad, utilizando tecnologías …

Down-the-hole bits. We offer a comprehensive range of DTH drill bits to match all conceivable applications. Each bit is made from quality alloy steel, and has been precision machined to produce a perfect body, heat treated to the required hardness, given surface compression for fatigue resistance, and fitted with precision buttons manufactured ...

The PMK 400HD hammer is designed to accept Button Bits with shank Ingersoll Rand DHD 340A or COP 44 type of Button Bits. ... DTH Hammer PMK 400HMH - shank MACH44. Read more. DTH Hammer PMK 400HMD - shank MD4. Read more. DTH Hammer PMK 400HTD - shank TD40. Prev; Next; OCMA s.r.l. Via dei Calzaturieri – Z.I. Lotto D/8 70056 Molfetta ...

Drilling Supply Store offers a wide range of DTH hammers suitable for a variety of drilling operations. Our Down the Hole hammers provide the most versatile and cost effective rock drilling method. Range DS Hammers; 1" DS10 (BR-1) 2" DS20 (BR-2) 3" DS30-I (IR3.5/XL3) 3.5"-4" DS40-I (IR DHD340A) DS40-Q (QL4)

Drill Bits. Spare Parts. Downloads. The Puma M5.2 features exterior heavy duty elements for prolonged useful life and high speed. In its QL-5 version it is recommended for Mining and Quarry applications, whether the SD-5 and DHD-350 can be used for civil engineer drilling, geothermal or mining applications. View table in full-screen.

Nuestras perforadoras para superficie con martillo de fondo (DTH) ofrecen una excelente movilidad, una huella más pequeña y la habilidad de poder ser utilizada en diferentes sitios. Están equipadas con martillos de fondo poderosos. Los equipos con martillos de fondo están diseñados para perforación de roca de gran capacidad en canteras, minas a cielo abierto y proyectos de ...

As a rule of thumb, the smallest hole diameter a DTH hammer can drill is its nominal size. i.e. standard 102 mm (4") hammer will drill a hole down to a minimum diameter of 102 mm (4"). The limiting factor is the outside diameter of the hammer, because as the hole diameter reduces due to diameter wear of the bit, airflow is restricted.