INTRODUCTION A monopoly is a market structure in which there is a single supplier of a product. Monopolies exist because of barriers to entry into a market that prevent competition. The monopoly firm (monopolist): May be small or large. Must be the only supplier of the product. Sells a product for which there are only close substitutes.

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Problem solving as a skill. Is usually an extra-curricular activity. Is a set of procedures to be practiced. Can be infused into curriculum. 15. Problem solving as an art. Is an act of inquiry and discovery. Assists successful investigation of new problem. Presents mathematics as an experiment, inductive.

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of ecosystems, e.g. a desert ecosystem. 3. Describe some other ecosystems. The environment is made of many different types. of ecosystems, such as oceans, forests and creeks. 4. These are all different Australian Ecosystems. All of these Australian ecosystems are named. based on the dominant tree or plant.

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2. • Toxicity may occur through ingestion, inhalation or dermal exposure • Toxicity is either acute or chronic • Metallic taste if ingested except arsenic which is tasteless • Can cause both local & systemic effects • Most metals cause diarrhea except lead which causes constipation • The antidotes are called chelators.

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