The maximum air temperature is 42.6 degrees Celsius in July and the minimum temperature in January reaches -43.7 degrees Celsius. An average of 310-320 mm of precipitation per year, 85-90 percent or 284-290 mm of precipitation falls during the warm season. Darkhan is considered as the second largest industrial center in Mongolia with well ...
Сумдын газрын зураг Амарбаясгалант хийд ЗХУ-д өрнөсөн перестройка буюу өөрчлөн байгуулалтын нөлөө 1980-аад оны дунд үеэс Монгол оронд нэвтэрч, төр засгийн үйл ажиллагааг шүүмжилсэн үгс үе үе сонсогдох болжээ. Энэ байдал аажмаар хүрээгээ тэлсээр Сэлэнгэ аймагт 1987 онд анхны ардчилсан холбоо байгуулагдаж.
More than 32,000 views for this poor scan of a cheap map that you can buy at any old kiosk in Ulaanbaatar? Sometimes it makes me wonder... Cover and excerpt from a 1:2,500,000 Mongolian road map published in 2008. It looks as if the country is covered by a dense network of highways, but most are actually only dust roads - or less. The lake at the top …