Orissa High court decision in legal matter of Orissa Manganese and Mineral Pvt. Ltd. Vs Adhunik Steel Ltd. AIR 2005 113 on termination of mining contract of leasehold land. About Law Senate; Our Team ... The Orissa High Court held that on the facts and circumstance of the case that there was no violation of Rule 37 of the Minerals Concession ...

2. O.M.M. Private Limited obtained a mining lease from the Government of Orissa for mining manganese ore from certain extents of land situate in Sundargarh district in the State of Orissa. For reasons of its own, O.M.M. Private Limited entered into an agreement dated 14.5.2003 with Adhunik Steels for raising the manganese ore on its behalf.

ORISSA MANGANESE & MINERALS LTD. Please enter the website. Cancel Confirm. Tofler, TWS Systems Private Limited and its officers respect the Intellectual Property Rights of all people. Tofler makes no claim of ownership or affiliation with any trademark (REGISTERED OR UNREGISTERED) that forms part of any Company/LLP name listed on …

Shri Rath, learned counsel for the appellant referring to a decision of the Calcutta High Court in the case of Futuristic Steel Pvt. Ltd. v. Orissa Manganese and Minerals Pvt. Ltd. in A.P No. 63 of 2004 disposed of on 21-5-2004 submitted that under similar circumstances the Calcutta High Court held that such a contract violates Rule 37 of the ...

Edelweiss ARC makes Rs 325 crore top bid for Orissa Manganese & Minerals. Edelweiss ARC was the sole bidder for the other two companies – Zion Steel and Adhunik Metaliks. 30 Jan, 2018, 10.52 AM IST ... Earlier this week, the company had said that its debt restructuring would extend to Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd with which it is to be merged.

Suleipat iron ore mine is located at Rairangpur in Mayurbhanj District of Orissa. The mine is spread over an area of 618 hectare.The mine has obtained required forest approval (Working Permission) from MoEF to start mining operation in 294 hectares of Forest Land already broken up prior to 1980. The dispatches from the mines will start very soon.

Orissa Manganese & Minerals Limited is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Adhunik Metaliks Limited, which is the flagship company of the Adhunik Group. OMML is engaged in the business of exploration, development, mining and processing of mineral assets. The Company has valuable merchant resources of iron ore and manganese ore in Jharkhand and Orissa, which are …

About Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd. :-Registered in 2010, Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd. has made a name for itself in the list of top service providers of in India. Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd. is listed in Trade India's list of verified companies offering wide array of etc. Contact here for in Barbil, Odisha.

Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd. vs Synergy Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Date: Sept. 12, 2014 Court: Supreme Court of India Judgment Facts Summary Issue Analysis BACK. JUDGMENT: Chelameswar, J. 1. Leave granted. 2. Aggrieved by the judgment dated 16 th May 2014 of the High Court of Calcutta in A.P.O.T. No.460/2012, the respondent therein filed this appeal. ...

Description. Manganese (element #25, symbol Mn) is a gray-white metal with a pinkish tinge, and is very brittle, but hard. It was discovered 1774 by Johann Gahn. Manganese easily reacts with water and air. On Earth, manganese is never found as a free metal, but it is found in a number of minerals. The most important of these minerals is ...

Doing Business As: ORISSA MANGANESE & MINERALS LIMITED. Company Description: ORISSA MANGANESE & MINERALS LIMITED is located in Kolkata, West Bengal, India and is part of the Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing Industry. There are 11 companies in the ORISSA MANGANESE & MINERALS LIMITED corporate family.

Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd. Appellant Versus Synergy Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Respondent J U D G M E N T Chelameswar, J. 1. Leave granted. 2. Aggrieved by the judgment dated 16th May 2014 of the High Court of Calcutta in A.P.O.T. No.460/2012, the respondent therein filed this appeal. 3. The impugned order is a reversing order in appeal against the ...