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Dynabrade 11477 Dynabelter Abrasive Belt Tool, Extra Heavy-Duty . 2 hp . Vertical . 7,200 RPM . Front Exhaust . for 1"-2" W x 30" L (25-51 mm x 762 mm) Belts ... Dynabelter Abrasive Belt Tool, Standard Duty. Dynabrade 11476 Dynabelter Abrasive Belt Tool, Heavy-Duty. Dynabrade 11486 Dynabelter Accu-Grinder Abrasive Belt Tool, Heavy-Duty ...

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Dynafile® Contact Arms can be mounted on 11475 and 11476 Dynabelter® models with optional 11739 Adapter. Allows for work in small areas using 30" belts (8" reach). Looking for more information about Dynabrade Air-Powered Abrasive Belt Tools ? Click here to view the Catalog. For help choosing the correct Dynabrade Tool for your application ...

Dynabelt. Ceinture de maintien abdominal. Indiquée pour : Conditions post-opératoires : éventration, hernie ombilicale/ hernie épigastrique, laparotomie, laparoscopie, laparoscopie et endoscopie par accès unique, césarienne, conditions post-partum, ecchymose de la cage thoracique - Faiblesse musculaire abdominale - Fractures des côtes - Lombalgies hautes ou …