The above market prices of CLC Bricks are just for reference and changes from place to place and cannot be treated as final . Infra Requirements . Plant Capacity 30m3; Land (Sq. Yards) 1500 – 2000: Power (3 Phase) 75 KV / 100 HP Shed (Feet) 20 X 20: Mold Platform (Sq. Feet) 5000 – 6000: Man Power: 5 – 8: Plant Capacity 50m3;

CLC blocks in Pakistan are currently being manufactured by Banu mukhtar in following sizes in price range of 175-200 Rs/block: 24″x8″x8″. 24″x8″x6″. 24″x8″x4″. CLC blocks can be used as partition blocks if you are building your house using frame structure method. Since this block is very light weight, steel cost can be saved ...

Manufacturer of a wide range of products which include concrete machine, clc plant, clc machine, clc machine mobile plant and clc floor leveling machine. 130 tpd of clc bricks. Term Loan Total (Rs. The product mix and the sales prices are as follows CLC Bricks 130 TPD SL Bricks 120 TPD Rs.00 The debt equity is considered as 2.

TPD-GAMES.ORG. Filtrar por tags . Mostrar categorias. Página inicial; Atualizados; Multiplayer; Tela dividida; Jogos leves; Doar; Entrar Crie sua conta ... John Brick 16 julho 2022, 15:46. Mothmen 1966 16 julho 2022, 15:46 1651 16 julho 2022, 12:00. Nephise 16 julho 2022, 10:21. Nephise Begins 16 julho ...

130 tpd of clc bricks - Stone Crushing Equipment. 130 tpd of clc bricks - crusher.quartz-crusher. CLC Bricks 130 TPD Rs. 6 per Kg. formula detailed process of manufacture flow sheet diagram clc Request Quotation. Term Loan Total (Rs. The product mix and the sales prices are as follows CLC Bricks 130 TPD SL Bricks 120 TPD Rs.00 The debt equity ...

CLC Bricks are competitive with bricks in pricing and offer significant savings for finished structures. Savings in construction cost can be as much as 18% when using CLC Bricks, as compared to brick. Cellular Light Weight Concrete (CLC) is a version of lightweight concrete that is produced like normal concrete under ambient conditions.

CLC Bricks 130 TPD SL Bricks 120 TPD. Rs. 6 per Kg Rs. 2 per Kg. 9 PROJECT PROFILE FOR CLC amp; SAND LIME BRICKS 1.5. RETURNS. The returns from the project are adequate enough to repay the term loan in 6 years time from the date of commercial operations. The key financial indicators of the project are tabulated below.

130 tpd of clc bricks - crusher.quartz-crusher. CLC Bricks 130 TPD Rs. 6 per Kg. formula detailed process of manufacture flow sheet diagram clc Request Quotation. Term Loan Total (Rs. The product mix and the sales prices are as follows CLC Bricks 130 TPD SL Bricks 120 TPD Rs.00 The debt equity is considered as 2.

There are many commercial companies providing the technology, equipment or even turnkey services for setting up a CLC brick production unit. An average capacity of 150,000 m 3 of CLC blocks per year (equivalent to 150 million normal sized bricks), will require a tentative investment of Rs 200 million. Disadvantages

Raw materials. The main Ingredients for the clc blocks manufacturing process are; Cement; Fly ash; ing agent; Sand (optional ) water; Example mix: For 1 cubic meter of ALC concrete of density 850kg/cubic meter take,( approx..)Water: 200 liters, Fly ash: 500kg, Cement: 5 bags of 53 grade, ing agent + water = 1.2 kg + 30 litres

This CLC cement slurry poured into molds. The outer frame of the molds removed after 18 to 24 hours and the separation plates removed after 48 afters. Then the finished CLC Bricks removed to curing area and curing will be done for 28 days. From 29th day onwards our CLC Bricks ready for sale. We are using 600mm x 200mm x 100/150/200mm molds.

Detailed Project Report (DPR) on cellular lightweight concrete bricks (clc bricks) Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Technology, Manufacturing Process, Investment Opportunity, Plant Economics and Project Financials. comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to …

16. The different sizes in CLC Blocks Size in MM Size in inches Weight in Kg 600 x 200 x 100mm 24 x 8 x 4" 10 600 x 200 x 150mm 24 x 8 x 6" 15 600 x 200 x 200mm 24 x 8 x 8" 20 600 x 200 x 225mm 24 x 8 x 9" 24 16. 17. Cost of Product in per cubic meter Cement : 250kg x 6.5 Rs./kg = 1625.00 Rs. Fly Ash : 550kg x 0.8 Rs./kg = 440.00 Rs.

6) clc bricks life span is more than other bricks Clc block size can make according to our requirements In India generally block can make Clc Size per cubic meter 4*8*24 – 83nos. clc blocks. 6*8*24 – 55nos.clc blocks. 9*8*24 – 50nos. clc blocks. If we take one clc block size a red brick comes around for each clc block 4*8*24 - 10.6 red bricks

In AAC Block there is no top soil consumption and it emits very low Carbon dioxide as compare to Red clay bricks while manufacturing. One sq ft of carpet area with clay brick walling will consume 25.5 kg of top soil (approx). It actually damages environment. In CLC Block there is no top soil consumption and it emits very low Carbon dioxide as ...

the excellent mechanical properties and durability of clc blocks enlarges its scope for application in building construction and development of infrastructure, construction of pavements, dams, tanks, under water works, canal lining and irrigation work etc. enormous quantities of clc and fly ash are available in and around thermal power stations …

manufacturing Process of CLC blocks For manufacturing 1 Cum of CLC bricks approximately 5 Bags of OPC 53 Grade Cement and 500 Kgs of Fly ash is added into a mixer. Around 1.2 Kgs of ing agent diluted with 30 Ltrs of water is added and mixed thoroughly ing agent allows airs to entrain the mixture making the slurry light weighted